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New video highlights the importance of Fitts-Woolard Hall

From the video is a fly-over image of the Engineering Oval on Centennial Campus with an image of the future Fitts-Woolard Hall superimposed on it.
This fly-over image from the video shows an image of the future Fitts-Woolard Hall superimposed on the Engineering Oval on NC State's Centennial Campus.

Clark Nexsen, designer for Fitts-Woolard Hall, recently released a video called, “Fitts-Woolard Hall at NC State by Clark Nexsen.”

In the video, Dr. Louis Martin-Vega, dean of the college of engineering; Dr. Julie Swann, head of the Edward P. Fitts Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE); and Dr. Morton Barlaz, head of the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering (CCEE), talk about the importance of FittsWoolard Hall to ISE and CCEE faculty members, students and staff and how alumni support for the building is appreciated and still needed.

Watch the video at or read the transcript.